First Steps to Adulthood Information Event

First Steps to Adulthood Information Event

An event from West Sussex Parent Carer Forum and West Sussex County Council

Monday 29th January 2018 6-8pm
Chichester College (in the Conference Hall)
Westgate Fields, Chichester, PO19 1SB

Do you have a young person aged 14+ with additional needs and disabilities?

Why don’t you come and join us to explore the different opportunities available when considering the next step to adulthood. You may be wondering about post 16 school support or clubs and groups and how to achieve and encourage independence. We may be able to help plug the gaps!

If you can, please encourage your young person to come with you and see for themselves what is on offer.

No need to book – drop in

There will be a range of stalls and information from appropriate services and organisations available to discuss:

  • Benefits
  • Sport and Leisure
  • West Sussex Local Offer
  • Discount Cards
  • Specific Disability Organisations
  • Supporting young people into paid employment
  • Literature will also be available to take away
  • Many more yet to confirm

Refreshments provided and parking is available at 50p via the ticket machine


29th January, 2018 @ 6pm - 8pm

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